November New Links.

Welcome a few new friends to the Roll of the Blog:

English: Portrait Illustration of comics artis...

English: Portrait Illustration of comics artist and illustrator P. Craig Russell by colleague Michael Netzer for his Portraits of the Creators Sketchbook. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Uncouth Reflections. Culture, art, movies and music from the former proprietors of the defunct and missed 2Blowhards.

Slipped Disc, with the infuriatiing but not always wrong Norman Lebrecht.

Classical broadcaster Christopher Purdy.

M3. Men, women, sex, and society. Funny and sometimes harsh.

Comic book artist and opera gadfly P. Craig Russell.

Art Contrarian. Art, aesthetics, design, illustration. 100% pomo free!

Pianist, music scholar, fragrance aficionado, amateur tobacconist, Catholic, and all around interesting guy Stephen Hough

Science Based Pharmacy, by Scott Gavura, a contributor to Science Based Medicine. A fine addition to your quack-proofing arsenal.

The Vulgar Chef. Just what it says on the can. Fucking awesome.

Baylen Linnekin of the defunct Crispy on the Outside, now runs Keep Food Legal. Another excellent anti-prohibition site.

Rough and Regie. La Cieca James Jorden’s opera blog on Musical America. Infrequently updated but still very worth reading.

Dude Foods. Tasty and defiantly lowbrow food. Not just for dudes, either.

Tim Blair. Because I’d still be ignorant about Australian politics without him,

Not running yet but you can check out the main page: Apollonysius’ The Dirty Stuff.  Sexy stuff gonna happen there. (I have been asked to contribute.)


  1. cabrogal

    If you’ve been getting lessons from Murdoch sock puppets like Tim Blair you now know less than nothing about Australian politics.
    Seriously, that guy has been caught out lying more often than Janet Albrechtson. Nearly as often as Andrew Bolt.
    Not that Fairfax or the ABC are any more honest. They’re just a tad more careful in the construction of their lies.

    Maybe there’s some sort of curse in the partial anagram of the surname.
    Tim, Tony, Jayson – they all seem to have a severe case of the same affliction.

    Thanks for the link to ‘Science Based Pharmacy’.
    It’s now on my follow list.

  2. Sasha

    Can you give me some examples of the lies he’s been caught in?
    Just because someone works for an organization with a leader you find distasteful doesn’t necessarily make you a sock puppet. Are the tens of thousands of public servants in my city sock puppets for Tony Abbott?
    Also: Tim Blair was very kind to me when I first arrived in Australia. He let me stay overnight in his spare room once. and took me and my future husband out drinking.
    Also: he’s funny.
    Also: I usually agree with him.

Tell me.